A new exhibition captures the magic and power of tattoos across cultures

Fareed Kaviani, Monash University Our Bodies, Our Voices, Our Marks, a suite of exhibitions at Melbourne’s Immigration Museum, offers visitors a chance to engage with tattoo on a level deeper […]

2019 RIBA winners

On June 27th, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) recognised 54 British organisations as part of the 2019 RIBA Awards, which have continuously run since 1966. The awards that […]

Three year Smithsonian exhibition to highlight men of colour and their impact on history

In August, the Smithsonian will launch a long-term travelling exhibition highlighting African American men. Titled ‘Men of Change: Power. Triumph. Truth.’, the exhibition will feature men of colour who are […]

Famed NASA mission control: restored and reopened

Houston, we have…guests? Just a few weeks ahead of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing on July 20th, 1969, NASA’s Johnson Space Center Mission Control reopened after […]

Monet’s ‘Water Lilies’ hidden in plain sight

Water lilies and Claude Monet (1840-1926) more or less go hand-in-hand. One of the best-known and loved Impressionist painters, Monet’s most iconic paintings are those he did of the water […]

Olafur Eliasson heads back to Tate Modern with extensive survey

In 2003, Olafur Eliasson wowed Tate Modern visitors with his Turbine Hall installation The weather project (2003). Beginning July 11th, he’ll assuredly wow more guests with what Tate Modern is […]

Mona Lisa moves! Well, ‘100 paces’ away…

Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa (c. 1503-1516) is getting some new digs, at least temporarily. On the evening of July 16th, the painting along with its bulletproof encasement will move […]