“Inspiring Walt Disney” connects classic animation and European design

While they still churn out memorable animations year after year, Disney has lost more and more of their veneer over the years and shown their cool corporate face. But there […]

The Eternal Sailor sets love adrift in seas of chaos

Already showcasing the second offering of their new Theatre for the Ears platform, theatre company Sound the Alarm dives into another pool of isolation with the cerebral story of love […]

Stratford Festival’s 2022 season announced

It’s an understatement to say that the past two years flew by—few of us have lived through social conditions and constraints such as these, and it has made the time […]

Christopher Walken paints over Banksy on ‘The Outlaws’

Hijinks are part and parcel when it comes to the work of Banksy. Aside from his medium and methods inherently being tied to stealth and surprise, the renowned graffiti artist […]

Theatre for the Ears opens with chilling drama ‘Starman’

One creative boom that may not have been predicted over the last two years is the resurgence of the podcast. With audio gear and software more accessible than ever, it’s […]

It’s Circus Time at Pointe-à-Callière Museum

The circus holds a special place in the cultural zeitgeist—there’s an instant grounding and association of it with the wonderment of childhood. Unmatched feats of daring and unforgettable moments of […]

National Theatre of Somalia holds first screening in 30 years

We’ve exhibited a lot of gratitude for the slow return of some of our favourite pastimes over the past year and a half. Art galleries reopening, theatre companies able to […]