The Nebra Sky Disk, a.k.a. the oldest picture of the stars, may be 1,000 years younger according to new research

Two decades ago, looters discovered a trove of artefacts thought to be from the Bronze Age. Among those items was a disk now known as the Nebra Sky Disc and […]

Studio Museum names new cohort of artists-in-residence programme

Since 1969, the Studio Museum in Harlem has been supporting contemporary artists and, in that time, their artists-in-residence programme has helped form the canon of Black and diasporic art in […]

Three southern California institutes seek to better support underrepresented students and faculty

Three institutions in southern California have created internships, endowments, and programmes to better support Black and underrepresented faculty and students. We’re taking a look:   The Getty The Getty has […]

Once thought a fake, experts now link painting to Rembrandt

A small, postcard-sized panel painting held at Oxford’s Ashmolean Museum for decades has been determined to be from the Rembrandt workshop. The painting was long thought to be at worst, […]

Theatre on the waves- The Amara Zee sets sail again

With the majority of theatre companies still adjusting to the current norm, the biggest question facing them remains more or less the same as before: how do we get theatre […]

KAWS’ COMPANION takes an out of this world trip, literally

Looking rather bashful with Earth as his backdrop, COMPANION took a day trip to space. Created by American artist KAWS, who once again teamed up with AllRightsReserved, the metallic sculpture […]

Thomas J Price unveils statue in London representing the Black “everywoman”

Who do we celebrate? Who do we memorialise? These questions loom large as cities around the world are forced to deal with the implications of their public monuments and memorials […]