All posts in Indigenous Art

National Gallery of Canada creates Department of Indigenous Ways and Decolonization

It’s no secret that many of the western world’s art institutes have been stuck in many isolating, regressive trends. With predominantly white, Euro-centric viewpoints, collections, and heads, this narrow lens […]

Kalum Teke Dan’s ‘Sunset Song’ bricked up by construction

It was an incredibly poor decision and even worse timing. Canada had just celebrated its first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a newly instated national holiday focussing on the […]

National Gallery of Canada announce foundational change through Ankosé

As a nation, Canada has been coming to a necessary and long overdue reckoning with its history of violence against entire Indigenous generations. With the ongoing investigation of the country’s […]

Art World Roundup: John Brandler buys Nottingham Banksy, D’Lan Contemporary launches new endowment, Venetian glass bead causes archaeological stir, and more

In this week’s Art World Roundup: Artfizz launches new art selling and buying platform that rethinks the secondary market, dealer John Brandler snags another Banksy, and D’Lan Contemporary announces a […]

“Supernatural Stories” at the McCord Museum

The Haida, an Indigenous group native to the west coast of North America do not have a word for “artist” in their language. The closest approximation of the term one […]

Lothar Baumgarten (1944-2018)

The German conceptual artist Lothar Baumgarten has passed away in Berlin at the age of 74. The artist’s death was confirmed by his gallery, Marian Goodman, which issued this statement: […]

US art now acknowledging Indigenous land rights

Last week at the Pulse Art Fair, when the New York gallery Accola Griefen opened their booth for Miami’s art week, they made sure to note that “we gather and work this week on the […]