All posts in museum

It’s Circus Time at Pointe-à-Callière Museum

The circus holds a special place in the cultural zeitgeist—there’s an instant grounding and association of it with the wonderment of childhood. Unmatched feats of daring and unforgettable moments of […]

‘Ecologies’ at Montreal Museum of Fine Arts explores humanity and nature

After a softening of restrictions on spaces throughout Montreal, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts has been able to open its doors to the public once again. After a long […]

UNESCO “deeply regrets” Turkish president’s decision to revert Hagia Sophia to a mosque

In 1985, Hagia Sophia, the opulent Byzantine-era gem found in Istanbul, was declared a UNESCO world heritage site after being converted into a museum in the mid 1930s. Last week, […]

Egyptian Mummies: Exploring Ancient Lives

When one thinks about historical Egyptian culture, it is hard not to think beyond the scope of what popular media and our education have focussed on: the great pyramids, the […]

The Polaroid Project- A snapshot of instant history

My first foray into photography was in late adolescence with a Fujifilm Instax Wide camera, a fantastic modern iteration of instant photography. I immediately found myself addicted to capturing bits […]

“Supernatural Stories” at the McCord Museum

The Haida, an Indigenous group native to the west coast of North America do not have a word for “artist” in their language. The closest approximation of the term one […]