All posts in historical

It’s Circus Time at Pointe-à-Callière Museum

The circus holds a special place in the cultural zeitgeist—there’s an instant grounding and association of it with the wonderment of childhood. Unmatched feats of daring and unforgettable moments of […]

‘Marys Seacole’ plunges into the deep end of caregiving

The past year has seen its fair share of recorded theatre. With it as the primary means of consumption for the medium, companies have been able to show off their […]

National Theatre School’s Nell Gwynn

Every year, the National Theatre School in Montreal fosters exceptional acting talents and sends them out into the world of their craft. Not only does this afford the students their […]

Pioneering legacy- Remembering Girish Karnad

On June 10th, revered Indian playwright, actor, and director Girish Karnad passed away. Leaving behind a monumental legacy as a pioneering artist of the 60s and onwards, Karnad has been […]

“Supernatural Stories” at the McCord Museum

The Haida, an Indigenous group native to the west coast of North America do not have a word for “artist” in their language. The closest approximation of the term one […]

Shades of Hope- The Colour Purple at Neptune Theatre

Right now in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the Canadian major theatre premiere of The Colour Purple is taking audiences by storm at Neptune Theatre. I had heard as much from several […]