Did the Barbie movie cause a global pink paint shortage?

Did the Barbie movie cause a global pink paint shortage?
Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures.
Must see  -   Architecture

As its release date looms ever closer, the Barbie movie has ever-so-slowly pulled back the veil to confirm for us that this film will be much more than meets the eye. Captivating the public with its bubbly and uniquely stilted energy show in its previews, it makes for a strong contender on the release date it shares with Oppenheimer. The latest oddity to come out about the film—the fact that its production reduced the global supply of pink paint.


But is that exactly true?


The Barbie movie puts forth a (necessarily) strong visual identity even in just the trailers for the film; one of the primary reasons for this comes from leaning on physical set design over the use of CGI. And with a town of Barbies comes a town of pink—enough to have completely drained the supplies of Rosco’s fluorescent pink paint.


While Rosco did in fact run out of the shade, its Dream House-worthy supplies were already low before production on the film had begun. Vice-president of global marketing for Rosco Lauren Proud stated to Los Angeles Times that the company was low on various supplies during the pandemic, and as such they only had so much they could give to the production.


A charming tidbit all the same, we should be thankful that there was enough pink in the coffers for the Barbie movie to pull it off. Can you imagine trying to pull off a guest room in salmon?


As if.